Reliable Flow-Cytometric Approach for Minimal Residual Disease Monitoring in Patients with B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia after CD19-Targeted Therapy
We aimed to develop an antibody panel and data analysis algorithm for multicolor flow cytometry (MFC), which is a reliable method for minimal residual disease (MRD) detection in patients with B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL) treated with CD19-directed therapy. The development of the approach, which was adapted for the case of possible CD19 loss, was based on the additional B-lineage marker expression data obtained from a study of primary BCP-ALL patients, an analysis of the immunophenotypic changes that occur during blinatumomab or CAR-T therapy, and an analysis of very early CD19-negative normal BCPs. We have developed a single-tube 11-color panel for MFC-MRD detection. CD22- and iCD79a-based primary B-lineage gating (preferably consecutive) was recommended. Based on patterns of antigen expression changes and the relative expansion of normal CD19-negative BCPs, guidelines for MFC data analysis and interpretation were established. The suggested approach was tested in comparison with the molecular techniques: gene rearrangement detection by next-generation sequencing (NGS) and RQ-PCR for fusion-gene transcripts (FGTs). Qualitative concordance rates of 82.8% and 89.8% were obtained for NGS-MRD and FGT-MRD results, respectively. We have developed a sensitive and reliable approach that allows MFC-MRD monitoring after CD19-directed treatment, even in the case of possible CD19 loss.

Список научных проектов, где отмечена публикация
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