Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2022, 48(3):617-620

The Electromotive Protein Prestin as a Sensitive Core of the Fluorescent Voltage Indicator

In this study, we first used prestin, an electromotive protein of the mammalian auditory analyzer, as a voltage-sensitive core of a genetically encoded voltage indicator. Prestin-5, one of the chimeric proteins obtained as a fusion of prestin and the fluorescent reporter FusionRed, demonstrated a fluorescent response to a change in membrane potential, characterized by submillisecond kinetics. Thus, we demonstrate the performance of prestin in fluorescent voltage-sensitive constructs.

Kost LA, Iunusova VA, Ivanova VO, Nikitin ES, Lukyanov KA, Bogdanov AM

IBCH: 10068
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