Glycobiology, 2020, 30(6):395-406

Are there specific antibodies against Neu5Gc epitopes in the blood of healthy individuals?

Strong discrepancies in published data on the levels and epitope specificities of antibodies against the xenogenic N-glycolyl forms of sialo-glycans (Hanganutziu-Deicher Neu5Gcɑ2-3Galβ1-4Glc and related antigens) in healthy donors prompted us to carry out a systematic study in this area using the printed glycan array (PGA) and other methods. This article summarizes and discusses our published and previously unpublished data, as well as publicly available data from the Consortium for Functional Glycomics (CFG). As a result, we conclude that (1) the level of antibodies referred to as anti-Neu5Gc in healthy individuals is low; (2) there are antibodies that seem to interact with Neu5Gc-containing epitopes, but in fact they recognize internal fragments of Neu5Gc-containing glycans (without sialic acids), which served as antigens in the assays used; (3) a population capable of interacting specifically with Neu5Gc (it does not bind the corresponding NAc analogs) does exist, but it binds the monosaccharide Neu5Gc better than the entire glycans containing it. In other words, in healthy donors, there are populations of antibodies capable of binding the Neu5Gc monosaccharide or the inner core -Galβ1-4Glc, but very few true anti-Neu5Gcɑ2-3Galβ1-4Glc antibodies, i.e. antibodies capable of specifically recognizing the entire trisaccharide.

IBCH: 8357
Кол-во цитирований на 08.2024: 7
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