Mar Drugs, 2018, 16(12):1-11

Modulation of Human Complement System by Antimicrobial Peptide Arenicin-1 from Arenicola marina

Antimicrobial peptides from marine invertebrates are known not only to act like cytotoxic agents, but they also can display some additional activities in mammalian organisms. In particular, these peptides can modulate the complement system as was described for tachyplesin, a peptide from the horseshoe crab. In this work, we investigated the influence on complement activation of the antimicrobial peptide arenicin-1 from the marine polychaete . To study effects of arenicin on complement activation in human blood serum, we used hemolytic assays of two types, with antibody sensitized sheep erythrocytes and rabbit erythrocytes. Complement activation was also assessed, by the level of C3a production that was measured by ELISA. We found that the effect of arenicin depends on its concentration. At relatively low concentrations the peptide stimulates complement activation and lysis of target erythrocytes, whereas at higher concentrations arenicin acts as a complement inhibitor. A hypothetical mechanism of peptide action is proposed, suggesting its interaction with two complement proteins, C1q and C3. The results lead to the possibility of the development of new approaches for therapy of diseases connected with complement dysregulation, using peptide regulators derived from natural antimicrobial peptides of invertebrates.

Umnyakova ES, Gorbunov NP, Zhakhov AV, Krenev IA, Ovchinnikova TV, Kokryakov VN, Berlov MN

IBCH: 7443
Ссылка на статью в журнале: http://www.mdpi.com/1660-3397/16/12/480
Кол-во цитирований на 09.2024: 18
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