Photochem Photobiol Sci, 2017, 16(9):1435-1440

Identification of hispidin as a bioluminescent active compound and its recycling biosynthesis in the luminous fungal fruiting body

We previously showed that luminous fungi share a common mechanism in bioluminescence, and identified hispidin as a luciferin precursor in Neonothopanus nambi mycelium. Here we showed the presence of hispidin as a bioluminescent active compound at 25-1000 pmol g-1in the fruiting bodies of Mycena chlorophos, Omphalotus japonicus, and Neonothopanus gardneri. These results suggest that luminous mushrooms contain hispidin as a luciferin precursor. We also found that non-luminous "young" fruiting bodies exhibited luminescence by hispidin treatment. Furthermore, we observed a gradual luminescence enhancement of the cell-free fruiting body extract by the addition of hispidin biosynthetic components, namely caffeic acid, ATP and malonyl-CoA. These findings suggest that continuous weak glow of luminous mushrooms is regulated by slow recycling biosynthesis of hispidin.

Oba Y, Suzuki Y, Martins GNR, Carvalho RP, Pereira TA, Waldenmaier HE, Kanie S, Naito M, Oliveira AG, Dörr FA, Pinto E, Yampolsky IV, Stevani CV

IBCH: 4050
Ссылка на статью в журнале: http://xlink.rsc.org/?DOI=C7PP00216E
Кол-во цитирований на 11.2024: 30
Данные статьи проверены модераторами 2017-09-06

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