Biopolymers, 2016, 105(11):787-794

Biofunctionalizing nanofibers with carbohydrate blood group antigens

A rapid and simple method of biofunctionalising nylon, cellulose acetate, and polyvinyl butyral electrospun nanofibers with blood group glycans was achieved by preparing function-spacer-lipid constructs and simply contacting them to fibers with a piezo inkjet printer. A series of water dispersible amphipathic glycan-spacer constructs were synthesized representing a range ABO and related blood group antigens. After immediate contact of the amphipathic glycan-spacer constructs with nanofiber surfaces they self-assembled and were detectable by enzyme immunoassays with high sensitivity and specificity.

Barr K, Kannan B, Korchagina E, Popova I, Ryzhov I, Henry S, Bovin N

IBCH: 3614
Ссылка на статью в журнале: http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/bip.22907
Кол-во цитирований на 11.2024: 4
Данные статьи проверены модераторами 2016-11-01

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