Dokl Biochem Biophys, 2017, 475(1):250-252

Expression of master regulatory genes of embryonic development in pancreatic tumors

The expression level of some important master regulators of embryonic development of the pancreas in the tumor samples of this human organ was determined. We found that the transcription of SOX9, GATA4, PDX1, PTF1a, and HNF1b genes in the tumor samples was reduced as compared to the samples of normal pancreatic tissues, and the KLF5 gene expression in the tumor cells was elevated. We assume that all the studied genes, except KLF5, form a single regulatory module that supports the identity of tumor progenitor cells. A simultaneous suppression of expression of these master factors may be critical for the neoplastic transformation of pancreatic cells.

IBCH: 3117
Ссылка на статью в журнале: http://link.springer.com/10.1134/S1607672917040020
Кол-во цитирований на 12.2024: 10
Данные статьи проверены модераторами 2017-07-01

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