Innate Immun, 2018, 24(3):180-187

Repertoire of Abs primed by bacteria in gnotobiotic mice

Innate immunity natural Abs (NAbs) execute a number of functions, including protection and surveillance. Despite active research, the stimuli that induce the formation of NAbs are still described only hypothetically. Here, we compared repertoires of anti-glycan Abs in the peripheral blood of mice that received per os various bacteria. The repertoires of Abs of mice primed in this way were compared using a microarray that included about 350 glycans, as well as 150 bacterial polysaccharides. Sterile mice did not possess anti-glycan Abs. Oral inoculation of a single strain or combination of two to four strains of bacteria, as well as putting the animals on short-term nutrition with non-sterile food, did not contribute significantly to the formation of Abs, whereas a single gavage of digested food of non-sterile mice induced the formation of a repertoire close to the natural ones. Interestingly, the priming with polysaccharide Ags (in a composition of the bacterial cell envelope), that is, dominant Ags of bacteria, led to the induction of Abs against typical glycans of mammalian glycoproteins and glycolipids (e.g. Abs of the ABH blood group system) that do not have a structural similarity to the polysaccharides. The results support the importance of early contact with a naïve immune system with microorganisms of the environment to form a normal NAbs repertoire.

Khasbiullina NR, Shilova NV, Navakouski ME, Nokel AY, Knirel YA, Blixt O, Bovin NV

IBCH: 3094
Ссылка на статью в журнале: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1753425918763524
Кол-во цитирований на 08.2024: 8
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