Int J Mol Sci, 2024, 25(23):12901

Mining Translation Inhibitors by a Unique Peptidyl-Aminonucleoside Synthetase Reveals Cystocin Biosynthesis and Self-Resistance

Puromycin (Puro) is a natural aminonucleoside antibiotic that inhibits protein synthesis by its incorporation into elongating peptide chains. The unique mechanism of Puro finds diverse applications in molecular biology, including the selection of genetically engineered cell lines, in situ protein synthesis monitoring, and studying ribosome functions. However, the key step of Puro biosynthesis remains enigmatic. In this work, pur6-guided genome mining is carried out to explore the natural diversity of Puro-like antibiotics. The diversity of biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) architectures suggests the existence of distinct structural analogs of puromycin encoded by pur-like clusters. Moreover, the presence of tRNACys in some BGCs, i.e., cst-like clusters, leads us to the hypothesis that Pur6 utilizes aminoacylated tRNA as an activated peptidyl precursor, resulting in cysteine-based analogs. Detailed metabolomic analysis of Streptomyces sp. VKM Ac-502 containing cst-like BGC revealed the production of a cysteinyl-based analog of Puro—cystocin (Cst). Similar to puromycin, cystocin inhibits both prokaryotic and eukaryotic translation by the same mechanism. Aminonucleoside N-acetyltransferase CstC inactivated Cst, mediating antibiotic resistance in genetically modified bacteria and human cells. The substrate specificity of CstC originated from the steric hindrance of its active site. We believe that novel aminonucleosides and their inactivating enzymes can be developed through the directed evolution of the discovered biosynthetic machinery.

Alferova VA, Zotova PA, Baranova AA, Guglya EB, Belozerova OA, Pipiya SO, Kudzhaev AM, Logunov SE, Prokopenko YA, Marenkova EA, Marina VI, Novikova EA, Komarova ES, Starodumova IP, Bueva OV, Evtushenko LI, Ariskina EV, Kovalchuk SI, Mineev KS, Babenko VV, Sergiev PV, Lukianov DA, Terekhov SS

IBCH: 11657
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