Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2022, 48(4):854-857

The Effect of Myosin Inhibitors on the Expression of Mechano-Dependent Genes in the Early Development of the Clawed Frog

Mechanical forces arising in developing embryos are able to spread over considerable distances inembryos and affect gene expression. The study of mechano-dependent transcription is one of the topicalissues of modern developmental biology. One of the approaches to solving this problem is the use of lowmolecular-weight myosin inhibitors. In this paper, we studied by RT-PCR the effect of four myosin inhibitors—blebbistatin, S-nitroblebbistatin, ML-9 and 2,3-butanedione monoxime—on the expression of eightmechano-dependent genes in early embryos of the clawed frog. When exposed to myosin inhibitors, weobserved a change in the expression level of four mechano-dependent genes, namely gsc, myh6, Xbra, andxmc. These results indicate that mechanical forces can play a role in the anterio-posterior patterning of theembryo by regulating the expression of the corresponding genes10.1134/S1068162022040094

Filenko PA, Chechenina AA, Zaraisky AG, Eroshkin FM

IBCH: 10279
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