Biophys J, 2021, 120(12):2471-2481

Potassium channel blocker crafted by α-hairpinin scaffold engineering

The α-Hairpinins are a family of plant defense peptides with a common fold presenting two short α-helices stabilized by two invariant S–S-bridges. We have shown previously that substitution of just two amino acid residues in a wheat α-hairpinin Tk-AMP-X2 leads to Tk-hefu-2 that features specific affinity to voltage-gated potassium channels KV1.3. Here, we utilize a combined molecular modeling approach based on molecular dynamics simulations and protein surface topography technique to improve the affinity of Tk-hefu-2 to KV1.3 while preserving its specificity. An important advance of this work compared with our previous studies is transition from the analysis of various physicochemical properties of an isolated toxin molecule to its consideration in complex with its target, a membrane-bound ion channel. As a result, a panel of computationally designed Tk-hefu-2 derivatives was synthesized and tested against KV1.3. The most active mutant Tk-hefu-10 showed a half-maximal inhibitory concentration of ∼150 nM being 10 times more active than Tk-hefu-2 and 200 times more active than the original Tk-hefu. We conclude that α-hairpinins provide an attractive disulfide-stabilized scaffold for the rational design of ion channel inhibitors. Furthermore, the success rate can be considerably increased by the proposed “target-based” iterative strategy of molecular design.

IBCH: 9292
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Кол-во цитирований на 01.2024: 2
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