Bioluminescence: Chemical principles and methods (3rd Edition)

This book is an authoritative monograph on the recent progresses in the chemistry of bioluminescence. It provides a comprehensive overview of the past and the latest developments in understanding the biochemical mechanisms of some 35 different types of luminous organisms, together with information helpful to students and researchers in an Appendix. It is the first and only book that provides chemical information on all currently known bioluminescence systems. Dr Shimomura is the leading practitioner in the field for the past half century, and is best known for his discovery of the jellyfish photoprotein aequorin and the green fluorescent protein. This book is the bible of bioluminescence, and is "a must read," not only for the students who study bioluminescence but also for those who work in various aspects relating to bioluminescence. This book will be an important source of chemical knowledge on bioluminescence for a long period of time in future.

Shimomura O, Yampolsky IV

IBCH: 9878
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