Front Microbiol, 2021, 12:725526

Dodecapeptide Cathelicidins of Cetartiodactyla: Structure, Mechanism of Antimicrobial Action, and Synergistic Interaction With Other Cathelicidins

In this study, dodecapeptide cathelicidins were shown to be widespread antimicrobial peptides among the clade. In particular, we investigated the dodecapeptide from the domestic goat , designated as ChDode and its unique ortholog from the sperm whale (PcDode). ChDode contains two cysteine residues, while PcDode consists of two dodecapeptide building blocks and contains four cysteine residues. The recombinant analogs of the peptides were obtained by heterologous expression in cells. The structures of the peptides were studied by circular dichroism (CD), FTIR, and NMR spectroscopy. It was demonstrated that PcDode adopts a β-hairpin structure in water and resembles β-hairpin antimicrobial peptides, while ChDode forms a β-structural antiparallel covalent dimer, stabilized by two intermonomer disulfide bonds. Both peptides reveal a significant right-handed twist about 200 degrees per 8 residues. In DPC micelles ChDode forms flat β-structural tetramers by antiparallel non-covalent association of the dimers. The tetramers incorporate into the micelles in transmembrane orientation. Incorporation into the micelles and dimerization significantly diminished the amplitude of backbone motions of ChDode at the picosecond-nanosecond timescale. When interacting with negatively charged membranes containing phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG), the ChDode peptide adopted similar oligomeric structure and was capable to form ion-conducting pores without membrane lysis. Despite modest antibacterial activity of ChDode, a considerable synergistic effect of this peptide in combination with another goat cathelicidin - the α-helical peptide ChMAP-28 was observed. This effect is based on an increase in permeability of bacterial membranes. In turn, this mechanism can lead to an increase in the efficiency of the combined action of the synergistic pair ChMAP-28 with the Pro-rich peptide mini-ChBac7.5Nα targeting the bacterial ribosome.

IBCH: 9417
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Кол-во цитирований на 05.2024: 4
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