Biomolecules, 2021, 11(1):1-16

Spatial Structure and Activity of Synthetic Fragments of Lynx1 and of Nicotinic Receptor Loop C Models.

Lynx1, membrane-bound protein co-localized with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and regulates their function, is a three-finger protein (TFP) made of three β-structural loops, similarly to snake venom α-neurotoxin TFPs. Since the central loop II of α-neurotoxins is involved in binding to nAChRs, we have recently synthesized the fragments of Lynx1 central loop, including those with the disulfide between Cys residues introduced at N- and C-termini, some of them inhibiting muscle-type nAChR similarly to the whole-size water-soluble Lynx1 (ws-Lynx1). Literature shows that the main fragment interacting with TFPs is the C-loop of both nAChRs and acetylcholine binding proteins (AChBPs) while some ligand-binding capacity is preserved by analogs of this loop, for example, by high-affinity peptide HAP. Here we analyzed the structural organization of these peptide models of ligands and receptors and its role in binding. Thus, fragments of Lynx1 loop II, loop C from the AChBP and HAP were synthesized in linear and Cys-cyclized forms and structurally (CD and NMR) and functionally (radioligand assay on nAChR) characterized. Connecting the C- and N-termini by disulfide in the ws-Lynx1 fragment stabilized its conformation which became similar to the loop II within the H-NMR structure of ws-Lynx1, the activity being higher than for starting linear fragment but lower than for peptide with free cysteines. Introduced disulfides did not considerably change the structure of HAP and of loop C fragments, the former preserving high affinity for α-bungarotoxin, while, surprisingly, no binding was detected with loop C and its analogs.

IBCH: 9019
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Кол-во цитирований на 08.2024: 5
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