Mar Drugs, 2020, 18(12)

Antimicrobial Peptide Arenicin-1 Derivative Ar-1-(C/A) as Complement System Modulator.

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are not only cytotoxic towards host pathogens or cancer cells but also are able to act as immunomodulators. It was shown that some human and non-human AMPs can interact with complement proteins and thereby modulate complement activity. Thus, AMPs could be considered as the base for complement-targeted therapeutics development. Arenicins from the sea polychaete , the classical example of peptides with a β-hairpin structure stabilized by a disulfide bond, were shown earlier to be among the most prospective regulators. Here, we investigate the link between arenicins' structure and their antimicrobial, hemolytic and complement-modulating activities using the derivative Ar-1-(C/A) without a disulfide bond. Despite the absence of this bond, the peptide retains all important functional activities and also appears less hemolytic in comparison with the natural forms. These findings could help to investigate new complement drugs for regulation using arenicin derivatives.

Krenev IA, Umnyakova ES, Eliseev IE, Dubrovskii YA, Gorbunov NP, Pozolotin VA, Komlev AS, Panteleev PV, Balandin SV, Ovchinnikova TV, Shamova OV, Berlov MN

IBCH: 8969
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