Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2020, 46(6):1011-1017

Kv1 Potassium Channel Ligands Based On Hongotoxin 1 and Red Fluorescent Protein

Recombinant chimeras of hongotoxin 1 (HgTx1) fused through the N - or C-terminus with the redfluorescent protein TagRFP, RFP-HgTx1 and HgTx1-RFP were obtained. The properties of these fluores-cent chimeras as ligands of potassium voltage-gated Kv1 channels were studied using bioengineered cell sys-tems based on hybrid channels KcsA-Kv1.x (x = 1, 3, 6). It is shown that HgTx1-RFP and RFP-HgTx1 arehigh-affinity ligands of the external pore blocker binding sites of the Kv1.x (x = 1, 3) channels, and HgTx1-RFP is superior in activity to RFP-HgTx1. No specific interactions of HgTx1-RFP and RFP-HgTx1 withKcsA-Kv1. 6 were detected. It has been demonstrated that HgTx1-RFP and RFP-HgTx1 can be used in theKcsA-Kv1.x (x = 1, 3)-based cellular systems to search for Kv1.x (x = 1, 3) channel blockers and estimate theiraffinity.

IBCH: 8940
Кол-во цитирований на 02.2025: 3
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