Opt Lett, 2020, 45(4):836-839

Cell-specific three-photon-fluorescence brain imaging: neurons, astrocytes, and gliovascular interfaces

We present brain imaging experiments on rat cortical areas, demonstrating that, when combined with a suitable high-brightness, cell-specific genetically encoded fluorescent marker, three-photon-excited fluorescence (3PEF), enables subcellular-resolution, cell-specific 3D brain imaging that is fully compatible and readily integrable with other nonlinear-optical imaging modalities, including two-photon-fluorescence and harmonic-generation microscopy. With laser excitation provided by sub-100-fs, 1.25-µm laser pulses, cell-specific 3PEF from astrocytes and their processes detected in parallel with a three-photon-resonance-enhanced third harmonic from blood vessels is shown to enable a high-contrast 3D imaging of gliovascular interfaces.

Lanin , Pochechuev , Chebotarev , Kelmanson , Bilan , Kotova , Tarabykin , Ivanov , Fedotov , Belousov , Zheltikov

IBCH: 8842
Ссылка на статью в журнале: https://www.osapublishing.org/ol/abstract.cfm?uri=ol-45-4-836
Кол-во цитирований на 12.2024: 19
Данные статьи проверены модераторами 2020-11-01

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