Tetrahedron Lett, 2019, 60(5):456-459

Enamine–azide [2+3]-cycloaddition as a method to introduce functional groups into fluorescent dyes

However, many experiments require the preparation of covalent dye conjugates, which is impossible without the presence of a functional group on the dye molecule. Unfortunately, the introduction of such groups is often a complicated task. Herein, we report a novel approach for the introduction of functional groups into fluorescent dyes, based on the [2+3]-cycloaddition reaction of “terminal” enamines with azides. The synthesis of such “terminal” enamines is carried out by the condensation of formamide acetals with a methyl group that is influenced by a strong electron withdrawing group. Thus, the proposed functionalization technique requires only the presence of a methyl group in the relevant position of the initial non-functionalized fluorescent dye.

IBCH: 7521
Ссылка на статью в журнале: https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0040403919300085
Кол-во цитирований на 01.2025: 6
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