Nat Commun, 2024, 15(1):4366

Rediscovery of mononuclear phagocyte system blockade for nanoparticle drug delivery

Rapid uptake of nanoparticles by mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS) significantly hampers their therapeutic efficacy. Temporal MPS blockade is one of the few ways to overcome this barrier - the approach rediscovered many times under different names but never extensively used in clinic. Using meta-analysis of the published data we prove the efficacy of this technique for enhancing particle circulation in blood and their delivery to tumours, describe a century of its evolution and potential combined mechanism behind it. Finally, we discuss future directions of the research focusing on the features essential for successful clinical translation of the method.

Zelepukin IV, Shevchenko KG, Deyev SM

IBCH: 11319
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Данные статьи проверены модераторами 2024-09-21

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