Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2023, 49(6):1475–1482

Synthesis of 5-Halo-2ʹ-Azido Derivatives of Cytidine and N-Hydroxycytidine and Evaluation of Their Antiviral Activity on a Panel of RNA Viruses, Including SARS-CoV-2

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new global pandemic with high morbidity and mortality caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). N-Hydroxycytidine derivatives show promise for combating COVID-19 and other viral diseases; in particular, molnupiravir has recently been approved for emergency prophylaxis in the early stages after infection with SARS-CoV-2. In the present work, a scheme for the synthesis of 5-halo-2ʹ-azido-substituted cytidine and N-hydroxycytidine derivatives was proposed. The synthesized compounds were tested against a panel of six RNA viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, enteroviruses, CHIKV, and HIV-1. A number of compounds showed ability to inhibit the reproduction of SARS-CoV-2 and CHIKV viruses in the micromolar range without noticeable cytotoxicity. The structures of the leader compounds can be used as a starting point for further design of antiviral agents.

Kamzeeva PN, Kolpakova ES, Karpova EV, Borodulina MO, Yakovchuk EV, Alferova VA, Chistov AA, Belyaev ES, Kozlovskaya LI, Aralov AV

IBCH: 10987
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