Mol Biol Rep, 2021, 48(5):4549-4561

Impacts of OrX and cAMP-insensitive Orco to the insect olfactory heteromer activity

Insect odorant receptors (ORs) have been suggested to function as ligand-gated cation channels, with OrX/Orco heteromers combining ionotropic and metabotropic activity. The latter is mediated by different G proteins and results in Orco self-activation by cyclic nucleotide binding. In this contribution, we co-express the odor-specific subunits DmOr49b and DmOr59b with either wild-type Orco or an Orco-PKC mutant lacking cAMP activation heterologously in mammalian cells. We show that the characteristics of heteromers strongly depend on both the OrX type and the coreceptor variant. Thus, methyl acetate-sensitive Or59b/Orco demonstrated 25-fold faster response kinetics over o-cresol-specific Or49b/Orco, while the latter required a 10-100 times lower ligand concentration to evoke a similar electrical response. Compared to wild-type Orco, Orco-PKC decreased odorant sensitivity in both heteromers, and blocked an outward current rectification intrinsic to the Or49b/Orco pair. Our observations thus provide an insight into insect OrX/Orco functioning, highlighting their natural and artificial tuning features and laying the groundwork for their application in chemogenetics, drug screening, and repellent design.

Kolesov DV, Ivanova VO, Sokolinskaya EL, Kost LA, Balaban PM, Lukyanov KA, Nikitin ES, Bogdanov AM

IBCH: 9296
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Кол-во цитирований на 01.2024: 2
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