Org Prep Proced Int, 2020, 52(6):537-542

A Simple Synthesis of 3,3-Diphenylcyclopropene

In organometallic chemistry, 3,3-diphenylcyclopropene 1 is a very attractive compound for the preparation of metal vinyl carbene complexes 2 (Scheme 1).1 Perhaps the most notable application was in the synthesis of the first-generation olefin metathesis catalysts promoted by Grubbs.2,3 In addition, vinyl carbene complexes of W,4–6 Mo,6 Ti,7 Ru,8,9 Re,10 Co11 and Ta12 have been prepared using 1. Several of its reactions promoted by Zn13 or Rh14 compounds are also supposed to proceed with participation of carbene complexes 2, and the formation of these species is proposed in certain reactions of 1 on bulk gold metal surfaces.15 The compound has been used as a highly versatile substrate for further structural elaboration.16–18 Unfortunately, wider application of this compound is restricted due to the lack of its rapid and convenient synthesis.

IBCH: 8765
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