Cell Metab, 2020, 31(3):642-653

Ultrasensitive Genetically Encoded Indicator for Hydrogen Peroxide Identifies Roles for the Oxidant in Cell Migration and Mitochondrial Function.

Hydrogen peroxide (HO) is a key redox intermediate generated within cells. Existing probes for HO have not solved the problem of detection of the ultra-low concentrations of the oxidant: these reporters are not sensitive enough, or pH-dependent, or insufficiently bright, or not functional in mammalian cells, or have poor dynamic range. Here we present HyPer7, the first bright, pH-stable, ultrafast, and ultrasensitive ratiometric HO probe. HyPer7 is fully functional in mammalian cells and in other higher eukaryotes. The probe consists of a circularly permuted GFP integrated into the ultrasensitive OxyR domain from Neisseria meningitidis. Using HyPer7, we were able to uncover the details of HO diffusion from the mitochondrial matrix, to find a functional output of HO gradients in polarized cells, and to prove the existence of HO gradients in wounded tissue in vivo. Overall, HyPer7 is a probe of choice for real-time HO imaging in various biological contexts.

Pak VV, Ezeriņa D, Lyublinskaya OG, Pedre B, Tyurin-Kuzmin PA, Mishina NM, Thauvin M, Young D, Wahni K, Martínez Gache SA, Demidovich AD, Ermakova YG, Maslova YD, Shokhina AG, Eroglu E, Bilan DS, Bogeski I, Michel T, Vriz S, Messens J, Belousov VV

IBCH: 8475
Ссылка на статью в журнале: https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1550413120300620
Кол-во цитирований на 12.2024: 211
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