Toxins (Basel), 2023, 15(1):6

Membrane-Disrupting Activity of Cobra Cytotoxins Is Determined by Configuration of the N-Terminal Loop

In aqueous solutions, cobra cytotoxins (CTX), three-finger folded proteins, exhibit conformational equilibrium between conformers with either cis or trans peptide bonds in the N-terminal loop (loop-I). The equilibrium is shifted to the cis form in toxins with a pair of adjacent Pro residues in this loop. It is known that CTX with a single Pro residue in loop-I and a cis peptide bond do not interact with lipid membranes. Thus, if a cis peptide bond is present in loop-I, as in a Pro-Pro containing CTX, this should weaken its lipid interactions and likely cytotoxic activities. To test this, we have isolated seven CTX from Naja naja and N. haje cobra venoms. Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of these CTX, as well as their capability to induce calcein leakage from phospholipid liposomes, were evaluated. We have found that CTX with a Pro-Pro peptide bond indeed exhibit attenuated membrane-perturbing activity in model membranes and lower cytotoxic/antibacterial activity compared to their counterparts with a single Pro residue in loop-I.

IBCH: 10472
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Кол-во цитирований на 03.2024: 5
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