Int J Mol Sci, 2022, 23(15)

Short-Term Effect of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Receptor-Binding Domain-Specific Antibody Induction on Neutrophil-Mediated Immune Response in Mice

Vaccination protects against COVID-19 via the spike protein receptor-binding domain (RBD)-specific antibody formation, but it also affects the innate immunity. The effects of specific antibody induction on neutrophils that can cause severe respiratory inflammation are important, though not completely investigated. In the present study, using a mouse model mimicking SARS-CoV-2 virus particle inhalation, we investigated neutrophil phenotype and activity alterations in the presence of RBD-specific antibodies. Mice were immunized with RBD and a week after a strong antibody response establishment received 100 nm particles in the RBD solution. Control mice received injections of a phosphate buffer instead of RBD. We show that the application of 100 nm particles in the RBD solution elevates neutrophil recruitment to the blood and the airways of RBD-immunized mice rather than in control mice. Analysis of bone marrow cells of mice with induced RBD-specific antibodies revealed the increased population of CXCR2CD101 neutrophils. These neutrophils did not demonstrate an enhanced ability of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) formation compared to the neutrophils from control mice. Thus, the induction of RBD-specific antibodies stimulates the activation of mature neutrophils that react to RBD-coated particles without triggering excessive inflammation.

Bolkhovitina EL, Vavilova JD, Bogorodskiy AO, Zagryadskaya YA, Okhrimenko IS, Sapozhnikov AM, Borshchevskiy VI, Shevchenko MA

IBCH: 10141
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Кол-во цитирований на 09.2024: 1
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