Liposomes as Adjuvants and Vaccine Delivery Systems
Это дубликат статьи: «Liposomes as Vaccine Delivery Systems and Adjuvants»
The review considers liposomes as systems of substantial interest as adjuvant carriers in vaccinology due to their versatility and maximal biocompatibility. Research and development on the use of liposomes and lipid nanoparticles to create subunit vaccines for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases has been going on for several decades. In recent years, the area has seen serious progress due to the improvement of the technology of industrial production of various high-grade lipids suitable for parenteral administration and the emergence of new technologies and equipment for the production of liposomal preparations. When developing vaccines, it is necessary to take into account how the body's immune system (innate and adaptive immunity) functions. The review briefly describes some of the fundamental mechanisms underlying the mobilization of immunity when encountering an antigen, as well as the influence of liposome carriers on the processes of internalization of antigens by immunocompetent cells and ways of immune response induction. The results of the studies on the interactions of liposomes with antigen-presenting cells in function of the liposome size, charge, and phase state of the bilayer, which depends on the lipid composition, are often contradictory and should be verified in each specific case. The introduction of immunostimulant components into the composition of liposomal vaccine complexes-ligands of the pathogen-associated molecular pattern receptors-permits modulation of the strength and type of the immune response. The review briefly discusses liposome-based vaccines approved for use in the clinic for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, including mRNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles. Examples of liposomal vaccines that undergo various stages of clinical trials are presented.

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