More than 25 graduate students (Bacheler degree, MSc degree) and 10 PhD students (PhD degree) successfully presented their thesises under her supervision.
Supervising in IBCh
IBCh positions
Doctor of Science (Chemistry) |
Scientific interests
Her scientific interests are focused on elaboration of novel polymer biomaterials for biomedical applications (controlled drug delivery systems, nanoencapsulation of bioactive peptides; immobilized mammalian cells, biodegradable scaffolds (fibers, hydrogels, microcarriers) for tissue repair.
Scientific results
The author of more than 200 publications, including more than 80 papers, 7 patents, 7 chapters in books.
Scientific societies’ membership
She is a member of several scientific international societies and Coordinator (Head of Russian branch of Bioencapsulation Research Group) in Russia as well as an expert in international COST programs (840 и 865).