MENDELEEV COMMUN, 2021, 31(4):490-492

Synthesis of spacer armed Kdn(2→6') and (2→3')-lactosamines for immunochemical research

Glycosylation of lactosamine acceptors with Kdn thioglycoside donors in the presence of NIS/TfOH as a promoter affords products with both α- and β-ketosidic linkage (2–6' or 2–3') between the Kdn and Gal residues. After deprotection, the synthesized trisaccharides and glycans containing Neu5Ac were printed to a chip and their comparative interaction with human serum antibodies was explored.

Chinarev AA, Sablina MA, Kunetskiy RA, Shilova NV, Polyakova SV, Paramonov AS, Saha J, Bovin NV

IBCH: 9508
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  1. - (January 6, 2018 — December 31, 2022). Bovin N.V.. Grant, RFBR.