Cytotoxic Potential of the Novel Horseshoe Crab Peptide Polyphemusin III.
Biological activity of the new antimicrobial peptide polyphemusin III from the horseshoe crab was examined against bacterial strains and human cancer, transformed, and normal cell cultures. Polyphemusin III has the amino acid sequence RRGCFRVCYRGFCFQRCR and is homologous to other β-hairpin peptides from the horseshoe crab. Antimicrobial activity of the peptide was evaluated and MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration) values were determined. IC (half-maximal inhibitory concentration) values measured toward human cells revealed that polyphemusin III showed a potent cytotoxic activity at concentrations of

Список научных проектов, где отмечена публикация
- -Белки и пептиды в постгеномную эру. Структурно-функциональные исследования для решения фундаментальных задач и направленного конструирования инновационных лекарственных средств (January 6, 2014 December 31, 2018). . Grant, RSF.