Synthesis of magnetic silica nanomarkers with controlled physicochemical properties
Magnetic markers which can be detected with an extremely high sensitivity with the method of magnetic particle quantification (MPQ) were synthesized. Using a controlled Stober reaction, a set of magnetic silica markers of different sizes and zeta potentials was obtained. The use of a carboxymethyl dextran polymer to stabilize the magnetite particles during the synthesis made it possible to substantially reduce the detection limit of the obtained construct, which opens up new opportunities for creating effective diagnostic nanoagents.
Список научных проектов, где отмечена публикация
- -Комплексный подход к биоинженерии мультифункциональных соединений направленного действия для диагностики и терапии рака (January 6, 2014 December 31, 2018). . Grant, RSF.