J. Nat. Prod., 2024, 87(4):664–674

Gausemycin Antibiotic Family Acts via Ca2+-Dependent Membrane Targeting

We report the molecular mechanism of action of gausemycins and the isolation of new members of the family, gausemycins C (), D (), E (), and F (), the minor components of the mixture. To elucidate the mechanism of action of gausemycins, we investigated the antimicrobial activity of the most active compounds, gausemycins A and B, in the presence of Ca, other metal ions, and phosphate. Gausemycins require a significantly higher Ca concentration for maximum activity than daptomycin but lower than that required for malacidine and cadasides. Species-specific antimicrobial activity was found upon testing against a wide panel of Gram-positive bacteria. Membranoactivity of gausemycins was demonstrated upon their interactions with model lipid bilayers and micelles. The pore-forming ability was found to be dramatically dependent on the Ca concentration and the membrane lipid composition. An NMR study of gausemycin B in zwitterionic and anionic micelles suggested the putative structure of the gausemycin/membrane complex and revealed the binding of Ca by the macrocyclic domain of the antibiotic.

IBCH: 11152
Ссылка на статью в журнале: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.3c00612
Кол-во цитирований на 12.2024: 1
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