Front Immunol, 2022, 13:803229

Deconvolution of B cell receptor repertoire in multiple sclerosis patients revealed a delay in tBreg maturation

B lymphocytes play a pivotal regulatory role in the development of the immune response. It was previously shown that deficiency in B regulatory cells (Bregs) or a decrease in their anti-inflammatory activity can lead to immunological dysfunctions. However, the exact mechanisms of Bregs development and functioning are only partially resolved. For instance, only a little is known about the structure of their B cell receptor (BCR) repertoires in autoimmune disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS), a severe neuroinflammatory disease with a yet unknown etiology. Here, we elucidate specific properties of B regulatory cells in MS.

Lomakin YA, Zvyagin IV, Ovchinnikova LA, Kabilov MR, Staroverov DB, Mikelov A, Tupikin AE, Zakharova MY, Bykova NA, Mukhina VS, Favorov AV, Ivanova M, Simaniv T, Rubtsov YP, Chudakov DM, Zakharova MN, Illarioshkin SN, Belogurov AA, Gabibov AG

IBCH: 10185
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