

August 1, 2019 — December 31, 2021

Stepanov A.V. (PI)

Laboratory of biocatalysis

Grant, RFBR

List of publications

  1. Maksimov EG, Zamaraev AV, Parshina EY, Slonimskiy YB, Slastnikova TA, Abdrakhmanov AA, Babaev PA, Efimova SS, Ostroumova OS, Stepanov AV, Slutskaya EA, Ryabova AV, Friedrich T, Sluchanko NN (2020). Soluble Cyanobacterial Carotenoprotein as a Robust Antioxidant Nanocarrier and Delivery Module. Antioxidants (Basel) 9 (9), 1–23
  2. Ukrainskaya V, Rubtsov Y, Pershin D, Podoplelova N, Terekhov S, Yaroshevich I, Sokolova A, Bagrov D, Kulakovskaya E, Shipunova V, Deyev S, Ziganshin R, Chernov A, Telegin G, Maksimov E, Markov O, Oshchepkova A, Zenkova M, Xie J, Zhang H, Gabibov A, Maschan M, Stepanov A, Lerner R (2021). Antigen-Specific Stimulation and Expansion of CAR-T Cells Using Membrane Vesicles as Target Cell Surrogates. Small 17 (45), e2102643
  3. Ukrainskaya VM, Musatova OE, Volkov DV, Osipova DS, Pershin DS, Moysenovich AM, Evtushenko EG, Kulakovskaya EA, Maksimov EG, Zhang H, Rubtsov YP, Maschan MA, Stepanov AV, Gabibov AG (2023). CAR-tropic extracellular vesicles carry tumor-associated antigens and modulate CAR T cell functionality. Sci Rep 13 (1), 463
  4. Ukrainskaya VM, Rubtsov YP, Knorre VD, Maschan MA, Gabibov AG, Stepanov AV (2019). The Role of Tumor-Derived Vesicles in the Regulation of Antitumor Immunity. Acta Naturae 11 (4), 33–41