
A. Gabibov

Gabibov Alexander

Office: Building 31, 6th floor, room 600
Assistant: Smirnova Irina V.
Tel.: +7 (495) 330-56-38

Academic Supervisor of the Bioengineering direction

A. Miroshnikov

Miroshnikov Anatoliy

Office: 53 building, 6th floor, room 6601
Tel.: +7 (495) 330-59-38
E-mail: aiv@ibch.ru

Deputy Scientific Director


Alexey A. Belogurov

Office: General block, 407
Head of the Laboratory of hormonal regulation proteins, head of the Department of Science of NTI Center, head of the Laboratory of molecular biomedicine of NTI Center.
R. Efremov

Efremov Roman

Office: General block, 5th floor, room 523
Assistant: Kovriga Irina Ev.
Tel.: +7 (495) 330-58-74
Head of the Laboratory of Biomolecular modeling. Supervises the work of the official Institute website. Responsible for relations between Direction and Scientific Council. Responsible for relations with the Russian Science Foundation
A. Isaev

Isaev Alexander

Office: 32 building, 2nd floor, room 209
Office: General block, 5th floor, room 523
Assistant: Kovriga Irina Ev.
Tel.: +7 (495) 330-58-92
Coordinates and supervises the activities of The Common Use Center, The Patent Department, The Electronic Resources and Economic Initiatives Department.
A Semyanov

Semyanov Alexey

Office: 54 building, 3rd floor, room 303
Assistant: Nigmatulina Natalia
Head of the Department of Molecular Neurobiology and Laboratory of Extrasynaptic Signalling. Coordinates and supervises the activities of The International Scientific Relations Department. Supervises the physiological research and works with laboratory animals.

Smirnov Ivan

Office: General block, 5th floor, room 520
Assistant: Potapova Olga A.
Tel.: +7 (495) 995-55-57, ext: 20-33
Head of the Laboratory of proteolytic enzyme chemistry. Supervises the Financial Department of the Institute and the Labor Safety Service
I. Yampolsky

Yampolsky Ilia

Office: General block, 5th floor, room 525
Assistant: Potapova Olga A.
Tel.: +7 (495) 995-55-57, ext: 20-33
Head of the Department of biomolecular chemistry. Supervises the activities of the HR Department, The Postgraduate Studentship.

Deputy Director of General Issues


Vysokov Sergey

Office: General block, 2th floor, room 205
Assistant: Ryzhova Olga
Tel.: +7 (495) 727-44-94, внутр: 20-20
Supervises and coordinates the activities of The Engineering Service, The Department of Material and Technical Supply, The Security and Fire Safety Service, The Department of Engineering and Environmental Support, The Motor Transport Group, The Health Complex, The Food Combine, The Housekeeping, The Experimental workshop, The Electromechanical Equipment Section, The Sanitary Technical and Ventilation Systems Section, The Engineering System Section of Isotope Block, Security service and fire safety and Commercial Department.

The First Deputy Director of the BIBCh RAS

Ф.М. Мещеряков

Meshcheryakov Fedor

Office: MO Pushchino, Prospect Nauki 6, General block Directorate, office 205
Tel.: +7 (4967) 73-39-71

Scientific Secretary

В.А. Олейников

Oleinikov Vladimir

Office: General block, 3rd floor, room 325
Tel.: +7 (495) 330-59-74
Head of the Department of Biomaterials and Bionanotechnology and Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics. Coordinates and supervises the activities of The Operational Printing Department, The Group of Perspective Science Planning.