International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2020, 12:1481-1492

Research on the antibacterial and antimycotic effect of the phytopreparation farnesol on biofilm-forming microorganisms in veterinary medicine

Research has been conducted on farms in the Moscow region to identify the most common bacterial and fungal pathogens that can form biofilms. The following isolates were isolated from numerous members of the genus Candida: C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis and C. glabrata. The etiological structure of bacterial infections in farm animals is represented by 29 species. The use of Farnesol 200 µm caused a decrease in the optical density of YLF biofilms from 54 to 69 % and a violation of mycelial growth.Farnesol 200 µm inhibited biofilm formation in strong bacterial producers by 61-75 %. Phytopreparation Farnesol can be used as an antibacterial and antimycotic drug both by itself and in combination with other antimicrobial agents.

Vatnikov Y, Donnik I, Kulikov E, Karamyan A, Sachivkina N, Rudenko P, Tumanyan A, Khairova N, Romanova E, Gurina R, Sotnikova E, Bondareva I

IBCH: 8832
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